Sunday, May 21, 2006

2006 05 20 - Italian Film Fest - TRE MOGLI

Tre Mogli ( Three Wives )
Directed by Marco Risi, 2001, 105 minutes, NC16


A brilliant comedy focused on three different women who have something in common. One New Year's Day, they are called to the police station to discuss the mysterious disappearance of their husbands, who all worked in the same bank -- which has just been robbed. Bianca, Billie and Beatrice soon discover that their husbands stole millions and have become fugitives. For different reasons and with different agendas, each of them finds herself in Argentina on the trail of an errant spouse. Wonderfully entertaining. Cast: Francesca d’Aloja, Iaia Forte, Claudio "Greg" Gregori. Awards: Audience Award at Rencontre du cinema Italien de Bastia (2003); Best Ensemble at Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (2002).

Opinion :

A wonderful show that rekindles my passion for Italian films. The Italian Police inspector reminds me of one of my Italian roommate ( Farbrizo ) in Perugia, a comical guy. It is interesting to be able to sense the similarity between Spanish and Italian languages during the movie. Also it is interesting hearing Spanish being thrown into certain Italian dialogues.

Lastly, the panaromic views of Perito Merino & El Calafate in Argentina are simply magnificient. Seeing the vast glacier area with no inhabitants is so calming and erasing the images of daily hectic life away.

A comedy that is highly recommended.

Filming locations :
Rome, Lazio, Italy
Buenos Aires, Federal District, Argentina
Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina
El Calafate, Argentina
Puerto Madryn, Argentina
Ushuaia, Argentina