Tuesday, June 02, 2009

2009 06 02 - Sapori d'Italia : Sapori d'Italia. L'Italia che mangi, l'Italia che vedi

This 3-day special event at the Fullerton Hotel to promote Italian regional niche products!

Starting Tuesday 2nd June, after the opening press conference "Sapori d'Italia" will feature exhibitions, B2B meetings, food tasting and cooking demostrations by chef Franco Spadaccini using the products on display.

Woskhop sessions will be held everyday: "Cheese paring and wine appreciation" the first day, "Coffee tasting" the second day and "Chocolate" the third and last day. I Fiati Italiani, an Italian orchestra group from Abruzzo region, will perform during the events organised in the evenings.

2009 06 02 - Antico Frantoio Dalla Fina - Olive Oil


Olio Extra Vergine medio fruttato, dal colore giallo-oro con fragranze aromatiche. E' consigliato con carni alla brace.

Varietà: Grignano, Gentile e Favarol

Formati: 0,5 l