Thursday, October 23, 2008

2008 10 23 - Movie - Stealing Beauty ( Io ballo da sola )

Stealing Beauty
(Lo Ballo da Sola)
By Bernardo Bertolucci 1996 115 mins Drama TBA
23 Oct 7.30pm Free Admission
After her mother commits suicide, nineteen year old Lucy Harmon travels to Italy to have her picture painted. However, she has other reasons for wanting to go. She wants to renew her acquaintance with Nicolo Donati, a young boy with whom she fell in love on her last visit four years before. She is also trying to solve the riddle left in a diary written by her dead mother, Sara. Thirteenth Bertolucci's film starring Liv Tyler, Jeremy Irons, Stefania Sandrelli and Joseph Fiennes, has been nominated for six international and Italian awards.

Light refreshment follows the screening and marks the opening of the exhibition PIEDMONT'S SQUARES. Architecture, Festivals, Lifestyle in the Film Gallery.

2008 10 23 - Piedmont's Squares. Architecture, Festival, Lifestyle

Since the ancient times, the square has been both a place of social importance and a symbol of status for the city itself. This exhibition conceived by the Regione Piemonte is giving us an example of the concept of Italian square by showcasing a collage of images of several aspects of Piedmont squares and their inhabitants.
These images portray a long evolution of this specific Italian urban element from Medieval Times through the Renaissance Period to reach the present idea of square. Despite the continuous development of the cities, the square is a preferential place for the preservation of the countless magnificent monuments, churches and buildings that face the centre of the city itself.
From the point of reference for the countless fairs, trades and markets to the place used by the whole population for religious celebration as well as traditional festivals of the most diverse nature, the Italian squares are still today the focal point of every city in Italy.
For more information, please visit