Tuesday, May 06, 2008

2008 05 06 - Comme une image , Alliance Francaise


Director: Agnès Jaoui

Cast: Marilou Berry, Agnès Jaoui, Laurent Grévill, Jean-Pierre Bacri

Synopsis: A brilliantly observed social comedy where all is a question of image. Lolita Cassard bears a grudge against the entire world because she does not resemble the girls in the magazines. Etienne Cassard hardly looks at others, only observing himself and feeling himself aging. Pierre Miller, a writer, doubts he will ever be successful, until the moment he meets Etienne. Sylvia Miller, a singing teacher, believes in her husband’s talent, but doubts her own and that of her student, Lolita, until the moment she realizes that she is the daughter of Etienne, an author that she admires. Winner of Best Screenplay at the Cannes Film Festival 2004