Tuesday, July 11, 2006

2006 07 10 - World Cup 2006

Forza Italia!!!

I was happy that Italy has won the World Cup 2006 . Staying awake to watch to see Materazzi score to equalize with France after Zidane's penalty kick. I believe my pals in Perugia ( like Stas, Fabrizio and Yuri ) must be celebrating the victory of Gli Azzurri. Here in Singapore, I share their victorious mood.

Gli Azzurri, which is Italian for the blues. When Italy started competing in international football, it was governed by the House of Savoy. Their color was blue, which the team adopted on its jerseys. When Italy became a republic, the team didn't change.

Partecipazioni mondiali:
1934 Campione del Mondo1938 Campione del Mondo
1950 Eliminata nella Prima Fase
1954 Eliminata nella Prima Fase
1958 Non qualificata
1962 Eliminata nella Prima Fase
1966 Eliminata nella Prima Fase
1970 2° posto
1974 Eliminata nella Prima Fase
1978 4° posto 1982 Campione del Mondo
1986 Eliminata negli ottavi di finale
1990 3° posto 1994 2° posto
1998 Eliminata nei quarti di finale
2002 Eliminata negli ottavi di finale
Titoli Mondiali: 3 (1934, 1938, 1982)
Titoli Continentali: 1 Europeo (1968)

Hope Gli Azzurri can repeat their spectacular performance in South Africa in 2010.

Great job to Germany for their sucessful hosting of the World Cup 2006. Bravo!!!