Sunday, April 06, 2008

2008 04 06 - Cattleya & hybrids

2008 04 06 - Paphiopedilums

Lady Slippers (aka Lady's Slipper, Lady's-slipper, Ladyslipper) is a term used to describe the orchids in the subfamily Cypripedioidea, which includes the genera Cypripedium, Mexipedium, Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium and Selenipedium, distinguished by their slipper-shaped pouches (modified labellums), which function by trapping insects so that they are forced to climb up past the staminode, behind which they collect or deposit pollinia.

Paphiopedilums are found in the tropical forests of southeast Asia reaching as far north as southern China. Paphiopedilum is quite easy to cultivate and therefore is popular among orchid enthusiasts.

2008 04 06 - Vanda Collections

2008 04 06 - Flowering Air plant

2008 04 06 - Hoya Collection

These hoya plants were imported from Thailand. Costing between $18 -$25.

2008 04 06 - Orchid Sale , Botanical Gardens