Thursday, December 06, 2007

2007 12 06 - Flavio Cucchi Guitar Concert, DBS Auditorium

Considered by critics as one of the most interesting European guitarists of today, Flavio Cucchi has given hundreds of recitals in America , Europe, Asia and Australia . He also participated in radio and TV shows for some of the biggest broadcasting corporations (BBC, RAI, Televisa Mexico and others).

Flavio has played as a guest soloist in more then 30 European cities together with orchestras such as the Orchestra Della Toscana, the English Chamber Orchestra, the Orchestra Toscanini and the Basque National Orchestra.

He won first prize at the National Competition of Contemporary music, (Chairman Goffredo Petrassi) and is one of the first Italian guitarists to popularize Leo Brouwer's compositions.

Many composers (Alvaro Company, Nuccio D'Angelo, Anthony Sidney, Oliviero Lacagnina, and recently Chick Corea) have been inspired to write for Flavio.

Recently the American Poet Yusef Komunyakaa (Pulitzer prize 1994), dedicated to him "Ode to the guitar" and was presented at Genova International Festival of Poetry."

Ever since I first heard Flavio play the guitar I've been a big fan. His playing is simply filled with Beauty. I want to play the guitar like this."Chick Corea"...he is a musician of the highest order. He has an incredible facility for speed. .he can also provide moments of intense, slow beauty and passion.."Classical Guitar, England.
Special thanks to the Italian Cultural Institute.